PA Clinical Network

Opportunity to Meet CEO Dr. John Pagan:

PA Clinical Network CEO, John Pagan MD FACS, will be conducting three townhall style meetings on Tuesday May 11. This is an opportunity for our membership to meet and ask questions of our new CEO. Three virtual options will be made available for your convenience, 7:30am, 12:30pm, and 5:00pm.  Be on the lookout for a registration email!



Community Cares Grant

With your focus on the quality care that you provide to your community, many of our PACN practices were well positioned for  the Community Cares Grant available to members of the Pennsylvania Medical Society through Highmark.  Your submitted  applications are currently being reviewed with award announcements anticipated in early June.


The PACN will help in the notification and distribution of these well-deserved funds as soon as they are available.

Thanks again for the great care that you provide your individual and collective patients every day!



Quality Tips – Did you know?


CBP Controlling Blood Pressure – A BP reading during the measurement year can be reported during a telehealth visit when an   automated cuff is used. You cannot report a range of readings, it must be a single reading. While seeing patients in the office and you have taken and documented multiple BP readings, you may report the best diastolic and the best systolic value from separate readings.


CDC Nephropathy – The use of an ACE/ARB will close this gap as well as any urine test that screens for protein and or albumin from the measurement year. This includes a urine dip that includes protein and or albumin. A documented visit to a nephrologist within the measurement year will also suffice.


COL Colorectal Cancer Screening – If the patient is not high risk, Cologuard can be used in lieu of a colonoscopy. This test is good for 3 years, whereas FIT/FOBT test is only good for 1 year. A historical colonoscopy can be reported during the measurement year as long as it was performed within the last 9 years.


Lunch and Learns – For Practice Managers and Quality Staff

The Quality Team’s monthly “lunch and learns” are PA Clinical Network Practice Manager meetings where we share tips on improving quality that will lead to increased Network profitability. Please join us for these brief lunchtime meetings that focus on succeeding in value-based care. Bring your lunch, pull up to a computer monitor and join us at the next meeting scheduled for May 13th at 12:00pm.

2023 Annual Meeting

Annual MeetingThe PA Clinical Network Annual Meeting was held on September 27th. The hybrid event featured speakers from our board, as well as guests like Dr. Wilson Jackson, President of the PA Medical Society, Dr. Damian McHugh, Senior VP & Physician Liaison at...

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